@R-Tea, post #30
TextOut(#CENTER,#CENTER,"nacisnij spacje") WaitKeyDown("space")
@recedent, post #34
@peceha, post #31
@X-Type^HVR, post #37
Skompilowany program (nazwijmy go "exe") bedzie zajmowal duzo miejsca bo dolaczany do tego jest hollywoodPlayer na dana platforme - czyli player i scrypt beda w jednym EXE.
By uzyskac rozsadne wielkosci plikow mozna do sprawy podejsc inaczej - zainstalowac hollywoodPlayer na dana platforme i wtedy W IDE nie kompilowac do EXE tylko jako APPLET.
@R-Tea, post #41
Please note that Hollywood does no longer run on palette screens. You must use hi/true color screens with Hollywood. If your setup does not support screens deeper than 256 colors, please cancel the installation now.
The Plananarama plugin allows Hollywood to run on planar (palette-based) screens. This finally
makes it possible to run Hollywood scripts on plain AGA or ECS systems with no graphics board
installed - for the first time since Hollywood 1.93 (released in March 2005)! Starting with
version 2.0, Hollywood required CyberGraphX or Picasso96 to run. Since then, many people have
asked for a revival of Hollywood's planar engine, so here it is, a real blast from the past!
Thanks to Hollywood 6's greatly extended plugin API this feature could be implemented
completely in plugin space. Once Plananarama is installed, all Hollywood scripts will magically
run on palette screens again! All resolutions are supported - from 8-bit LowRes to 1-bit
productivity SuperHighRes Interlace.
@ussarius, post #40
@recedent, post #43
@AS, post #48
@KM, post #52
@smith, post #57
@recedent, post #58